Summer Camp - Camp Conestoga
July 14, 2024 - July 20, 2024
- Camp Conestoga is a beautiful summer camp in the Laurel Highlands of southwestern Pennsylvania, about a
4-hour drive from Dublin (255 Conestoga Camp Road, Somerset, PA 15501)
- Leaving IRUMC at 7 am, Sunday, July 14th and returning to Dublin on the afternoon of Saturday, July 20th
- A fun week of merit badges, slushies, and hanging out with your friends
- Take a look at photos from last year -
- Cost - $450 Early Registration // $470 Regular Registration
- Sibling discount $35
(will be updated as the year progresses)
- Scouts fill out this
form to sign up
- Adults can sign up
here. In general adults do not pay to attend because a certain number of adult slots are included based on the number of Scouts attending
- $50 early registration deposit is due Tuesday, March 5th. This fee is
non-refundable. If you're not sure if you want to attend summer camp or not, you can still register later with regular registration (total fee is $20 more than early registration). New Scouts may not have to pay the early registration deposit (see 4.c. below)
- Final early registration payments are due Tuesday, April 30th.
- E.g. $50 deposit already paid, $400 is due ($450 - $ 50 = $400)
- Please pay using a check to Troop 299 or Venmo
- New Scouts can take advantage of the early registration fee by paying the full early registration fee of $450 by April 23rd
- New Scout Information
- Register for merit badges by May 3rd
- Review available merit badges and requirements
- Register for merit badges
- New Scouts will be enrolled in the Pathfinder program and will earn the following merit badges
- Art
- Mammal study
- One of Swimming or Personal Fitness
- Please email summer camp coordinator with your choice
- One of Sculpture, Sports/Athletics, Astronomy, or Space Exploration
- Please email summer camp coordinator with your choice
- Submit medical forms
- BSA medical form part A - signature or re-initial dated after July 20, 2023
- BSA medical form part B
- BSA medical form part C - provider signature dated after July 20, 2023
- Conestoga medical form
- Copy of health insurance card
- The BSA medical forms can be downloaded
here and the Conestoga medical form is
- Please give completed medical forms to a troop leader or email to
- Note that if BSA forms part A and part B have no significant changes since you last filled them out, you can re-initial part A and write an updated date. Part C cannot be re-initiated.
- Packing list is
- A frequent question is what exactly is a footlocker / trunk that is used to transport the individual Scout's gear. Here's an
- Review submitted medical forms, merit badge schedule, and adult leader schedule
- Please note that your email must be a member of the troop email group to view the tracker
- Volunteer to drive
- Driving instructions are
here and a bigger the map found in the instructions is