Summer Camp 2024

Summer Camp - Camp Conestoga

July 14, 2024 - July 20, 2024

  • Camp Conestoga is a beautiful summer camp in the Laurel Highlands of southwestern Pennsylvania, about a 4-hour drive from Dublin (255 Conestoga Camp Road, Somerset, PA 15501)
  • Leaving IRUMC at 7 am, Sunday, July 14th and returning to Dublin on the afternoon of Saturday, July 20th
  • A fun week of merit badges, slushies, and hanging out with your friends
  • Take a look at photos from last year - 2023
  • Cost - $450 Early Registration // $470 Regular Registration
  • Sibling discount $35


(will be updated as the year progresses)

  1. Scouts fill out this form to sign up
  2. Adults can sign up here. In general adults do not pay to attend because a certain number of adult slots are included based on the number of Scouts attending
  3. $50 early registration deposit is due Tuesday, March 5th. This fee is non-refundable. If you're not sure if you want to attend summer camp or not, you can still register later with regular registration (total fee is $20 more than early registration).  New Scouts may not have to pay the early registration deposit (see 4.c. below)
  4. Final early registration payments are due Tuesday, April 30th. 
  5. E.g. $50 deposit already paid, $400 is due ($450 - $ 50 = $400)
  6. Please pay using a check to Troop 299 or Venmo
  7. New Scouts can take advantage of the early registration fee by paying the full early registration fee of $450 by April 23rd
  8. New Scout Information click here
  9. Register for merit badges by May 3rd
  10. Review available merit badges and requirements here
  11. Register for merit badges here
  12. New Scouts will be enrolled in the Pathfinder program and will earn the following merit badges
  13. Art
  14. Mammal study
  15. One of Swimming or Personal Fitness
  16. Please email summer camp coordinator with your choice
  17. One of Sculpture, Sports/Athletics, Astronomy, or Space Exploration
  18. Please email summer camp coordinator with your choice
  19. Submit medical forms
  20. BSA medical form part A - signature or re-initial dated after July 20, 2023
  21. BSA medical form part B
  22. BSA medical form part C - provider signature dated after July 20, 2023
  23. Conestoga medical form
  24. Copy of health insurance card
  25. The BSA medical forms can be downloaded here and the Conestoga medical form is here
  26. Please give completed medical forms to a troop leader or email to
  27. Note that if BSA forms part A and part B have no significant changes since you last filled them out, you can re-initial part A and write an updated date.  Part C cannot be re-initiated.
  28. Packing list is here
  29. A frequent question is what exactly is a footlocker / trunk that is used to transport the individual Scout's gear.  Here's an example
  30. Review submitted medical forms, merit badge schedule, and adult leader schedule here.
  31. Please note that your email must be a member of the troop email group to view the tracker
  32. Volunteer to drive here
  33. Driving instructions are here and a bigger the map found in the instructions is here

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